Those Were The Days, Where Is Those Neighborhood Matches? Do you want me to remind you some nostalgia? The present kids do not know the old neighborhood. Those were the days. There was not so much concrete, the children were constantly playing the ball on the empty land and roads. Did someone say a goal post ? There was neither a goal post nor a neat ball. But the children were very happy. They used to play ball until they were bored and very tired. The new kids will not know the conversations between them. Very good players were raised in those fields, mostly concrete, stone, soil and asphalt. The number of footballers raised with the impossibilities who play football in the big clubs is high today. Goal posts would usually be stones. What we called the neighborhood team was set up with kids who lived in the neighboorhood and 2 or 3 close by streets, this was called a neighborhood match. The number didn’t matter, no matter how many kids were coming from other streets, or an average number based on the number of our team. Teams such as 8-8 to 10-10 were determined. Sometimes we made matches for coke, soda and marble. The winner team with joy, talking about the match for days. In fact, the defeated players would not even go to other streets, they would not appear for a long time. J Every neighborhood would have a leader child and make the whole organization. Even this child would be coach, sometimes referee, sometimes brother. He used to summon his friends to defense, then offense, and sometimes he was angry. When he was yelling for ”Defense! everyone would know the seriousness of the situation. He would be very angry with missed opportunities. During the full game, a match was held because of the old ladies passing through the field. Sometimes, the old people of the neighborhood would be angry with the children because they were too loud. In matches played close to the settlements, when both the local people get angry and a vehicle is passing by, the ball would be held. After the vehicle passed, the match would restart. What should be called the great conversations in the neighborhood match? Pure and unreasonably old-life neighborhood match lines, I’m sure you have remembered.