Hybrid grass is a natural turf surface reinforced with synthetic fibers, which is now used not only in major stadiums but also occasionally in municipal areas. You can find many diverse models such as hybrid grass for home, hybrid grass for gardens UK and many others. When building a soccer field with hybrid turf, there are different methods in which the turf base layer is reinforced with synthetic fibers. The sports turf is more resilient and regenerates faster than a pure natural turf when we make hybrid grass vs natural grass. This enables the club to use the sports facility for a longer period of time. Whether and to what extent the hybrid turf represents a real alternative to a natural turf pitch or to an artificial turf pitch must ultimately be weighed up by each club. A stitched hybrid grass pitch also needs special care, as the systems consist of natural turf and synthetic fibers. Clubs should also take into account the maintenance and hybrid grass costs for such a lawn system at an early stage and quantify the costs for the maintenance of the sports field at an early stage.
Things to Consider Before Hybrid Grass Installation
Before hybrid grass installation, clubs should define the usage concept of the sports facility and thus the number of hours of use. Who uses the sports field with what intensity and at what time of the year? And finally: How can the association and the municipality finance the hybrid turf pitch? These and other questions should be clarified in advance and incorporated into the decision-making process for the new construction or renovation of the sports field.
Hybrid Grass Types in Use
There are three common hybrid grass types that are used when building or converting soccer fields into hybrid turf. In the first variant, synthetic fibers and various additives are mixed into the turf base layer. In a second variant, a plastic mat is placed on the subgrade, filled with material for the turf base and the appropriate seeds are scattered. These two variants are used in the context of hybrid grass football pitch construction in municipal areas, as well as in stadiums or higher-class training centers. The third variant is currently used in various major stadiums and training centers of higher-class clubs. In this variant, synthetic fibers are implanted in the natural grass. The fibers extend into the playing field up to a depth of approx. 16-18 cm and connect there with the roots of the natural turf. The hybrid grass cost varies depending on the type, quality and manufacturer. The following overview shows three different systems that are used when building a new football field or converting it to a hybrid turf field.
Sport Field Construction with Hybrid
Sports field construction: base course, woven lawn mat or implanted plastic fibers
- Hybrid base course: The hybrid base layer is a turf base layer into which rigid and / or elastic plastic fibers are mixed. For this process, the turf base layer must be removed to a depth of approx. 10 cm and then re-installed.
- Woven plastic mat: In this process, a woven plastic mat is used, which is filled with material from the turf base layer. In a second step, the lawn is sown and the sports field can be used a few weeks later.
- Implanted plastic fibers: In some major stadiums, sports turf systems are used in which the natural turf is reinforced by implanted synthetic fibers. In this variant, millions of 18-20 cm long plastic fibers are implanted, which make the sports turf more robust and resistant.
Can Professional Football Be Sustainable?
The high demands of professional football both in training and on competition areas can be made manageable with modern hybrid turf systems due to the budget-friendly hybrid grass pitch cost offers. We as Integral Grass company fulfill optimal training and competition conditions. The built-in hybrid turf fibers ensure a stable, absolutely even and dense lawn area throughout the season. And if the turf is damaged after major events such as championship, promotion or relegation celebrations, it can easily be exchanged for a new hybrid turf with much less hybrid grass cost than other flooring systems.
In hybrid turf, sustainability and top performance can be easily combined: The bioplastic fibers used are absolutely environmentally friendly and at the same time significantly more durable than the fibers of other hybrid turf systems. Does hybrid grass grow or what is a hybrid football pitch questions remained past with this innovative flooring system’s successful outcomes. Since sustainability is becoming more and more important in professional football, Integral Grass artificial grass models have been comprehensively tested and certified. Therefore, we have many business connections with the USA, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Italy, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Albania, Cameroon and many others. Our product is the sustainable hybrid turf system that is precisely tailored to the requirements of professional football.